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Ritual Creation

I work with people to create and craft unique rituals for the larger or smaller life cycle moments. Everything from a death of a loved one, to a birth, a relationship change, or a new job or home is welcome. Crossing thresholds or experiencing transitions deserve attention. A ritual is a beautiful way of putting attention on something, and it can be quite healing to both create and experience it.


I will work with you to intuitively design rituals that are authentic to you and your circumstance, and then support you to enact them. We will incorporate elements of nature, embodiment, symbolism that is personally significant to you, solo or communal, and a supportive plan for accountability/implementation. An example of ritual coaching I have done is support a client who wanted to create a custom weekly Shabbat ritual she could do anywhere. We sat down and I led her through a process of brainstorming her desired components to. I took her ideas and crafted them into a ritual format, and she reported the following:  


"I felt immediately at ease when dropping in with Eva to discuss my Shabbat ritual. I didn't have much sense of what, exactly, I was envisioning, and she helped me tap in to my own felt sense of how I wanted to honor the closing of each week. But beyond the brainstorming—which can all be good fun but not evolve beyond the ideas—she helped me to create an action plan with built-in accountability."

-Emma Rosenberg, Writer 

I also have a deep love for facilitating group rituals such as circles. If you want to take your own leadership to the next level, I can train train and empower you to facilitate your own rituals or circle. 

"It is wise in your own life to be able to recognize and acknowledge the key thresholds; to take your time; to feel all the varieties of presence that accrue there; to listen inward with complete attention until you hear the inner voice calling you forward."

-John O Donahue 

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Photo by Aleksandra Dubov

What People Are Saying

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“Gracias por formar este espacio llena de amor y de apoyo en los procesos de vida que estamos pasando.”

"Thank you for creating this space full of love and support in the life processes we are going through."


— Elizabeth Ortiz, 

Participant in Women's Circle/

Participante del

Circulo de Mujeres

Let's see what magic we can make together.

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